If you are buying from China, India, Europe, or anywhere in the world and your order will ship via ocean to the US you will have to file ISF with US Customs.

ISF stands for Importer Security Filing, it is a customs requirement for all shipments coming to the US on a vessel. The ISF has to be filed at least 24 hours prior to the vessel leaving the last international port with destination to the first US port. The ISF is not required for air shipments.

The ISF is the responsibility of the importer. Even if your supplier ships your order without sending you the information to file the ISF, you are still responsible for the ISF filing. If the ISF is not filed on time you are exposed to potential fines for late or no ISF from CBP, Customs and Border Protection.

If your supplier has shipped to the US before via ocean they will most likely be familiar with the ISF requirements and will offer the ISF information prior to shipment. The ISF is a US based requirement, other countries don’t always require pre-declaration prior to shipment, therefore if your supplier has never shipped to the US they may not be aware of the ISF requirement. For suppliers that are not familiar with the ISF file requirements you can send them general information from US Customs about the ISF on this link. It is important for you as the importer to be in contact with your supplier to monitor the ship date to ensure that the ISF is filed on time.

To file ISF we follow the following process:

  • We prefer to be put in contact with your supplier, that way we can monitor shipment dates and request documents. If you are communicating with your supplier through a platform such as Alibaba.com, you can give your supplier our email address. You can also request the ISF information from your supplier directly and email it to us: imports@doralcustomsbrokers.com
  • We will need at least the following information to file ISF:
    • ETD – ship date
    • AMS SCAC code and Bill of Lading # for the Master BL
    • AMS SCAC code and Bill of Lading # for the House BL
    • Name and address of the shipper
    • Name and address of the consignee
    • Name and address of the consolidator
    • Name and address of the container stuffing station
    • Description of the products and HTS codes
  • Please review and sign the power of attorney. The power of attorney has to be signed by the consignee, please return via email with a government issued ID
  • You can also fill out the ISF form or upload the ISF information given by your supplier

We work with first time importers frequently. We really enjoy walking our importers through their first import shipments. Our process is step-by-step and you will be informed of every aspect of your shipment and current status. A large number of our importers who started with us on their first import shipment now import on a regular basis. You can count on us to be a part of your team, we are here to assist you and make your logistics easier and seamless. We look forward to hearing from you!